Results for 'A. V. Sobolev'

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  1. Problemy ėsteticheskogo vospitanii︠a︡ studentov pedagogicheskikh vuzov v svete reformy shkoly: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.P. V. Sobolev, I. L. Nabok & V. G. Lisovskiĭ (eds.) - 1988 - Leningrad: Leningradskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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  2. Aktualʹnye problemy ėsteticheskogo i khudozhestvennogo vospitanii︠a︡ studentov: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.P. V. Sobolev (ed.) - 1985 - Leningrad: Leningradskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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  3. Ėstetika Belinskogo.P. V. Sobolev - 1978 - Moskva: "Iskusstvo".
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  4. Ocherki russkoĭ ėstetiki pervoĭ poloviny XIX veka: Kurs Lekt︠siĭ.P. V. Sobolev - 1972 - Leningrad: Tipogr. gaz. "Na strazhe Rodiny".
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  5.  47
    Consumer Judgment of Morally-Questionable Behaviors: The Relationship Between Ethical and Legal Judgments.Daphne Sobolev & Niklas Voege - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):145-160.
    Consumers’ engagement in morally-questionable behaviors poses a serious threat to firms. To further the understanding of consumers’ behavior, this study explores the association and conflicts between their ethical and legal judgments. In addition, it examines the way consumers’ judgments depend on their mind-sets and the legal liability criterion of action. In two experiments, participants were asked to judge the ethicality and legality of consumers’ morally-questionable behaviors. Behavior activity and participants’ mind-sets were manipulated. The results show that consumers are more likely (...)
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  6.  32
    Modular transporters for subcellular cell‐specific targeting of anti‐tumor drugs.Alexander S. Sobolev - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (3):278-287.
    A major problem in the treatment of cancer is the specific targeting of anti‐tumor drugs to these abnormal cells. Ideally, such a drug should act over short distances to minimize damage to healthy cells, and target subcellular compartments that have the highest sensitivity to the drug. Photosensitizers, alpha‐emitting radionuclides and many other medicines could be considered as such drugs if they possessed cellular and subcellular specificity. The author describes a novel approach of using modular recombinant transporters to target photosensitizers and (...)
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  7.  31
    Priority waiting lists: Is there a clinically ordered queue?Boris G. Sobolev, Peter M. Brown, David Zelt & Mark FitzGerald - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (4):408-410.
  8.  26
    Foundations of a Theory of Gravity with a Constraint and Its Canonical Quantization.Alexander P. Sobolev - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-44.
    The gravitational equations were derived in general relativity using the assumption of their covariance relative to arbitrary transformations of coordinates. It has been repeatedly expressed an opinion over the past century that such equality of all coordinate systems may not correspond to reality. Nevertheless, no actual verification of the necessity of this assumption has been made to date. The paper proposes a theory of gravity with a constraint, the degenerate variants of which are general relativity and the unimodular theory of (...)
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  9. Matematicheskai︠a︡ logika i teorii︠a︡ algoritmov.S. L. Sobolev (ed.) - 1982 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie.
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    V. S. Stepin’s Concept of Post-Non-Classical Science and N. N. Moiseev’s Concept of Universal Evolutionism.V. I. Arshinov & V. G. Budanov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):96-112.
    The article is devoted to the memory of Vyacheslav Semenovich Stepin and Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev, whose multifaceted work was integrally focused on philosophical, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research of the key ideas and principles of universal human-dimensional evolutionism. Other remarkable Russian scientists V.I. Vernadsky, S.P. Kurdyumov, S.P. Kapitsa, D.S. Chernavsky worked in the same tradition of universal evolutionism. While V.I. Vernadsky and N.N. Moiseev had been the originators of that scientific approach, V.S. Stepin provided philosophical foundations for the ideas of those (...)
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  11.  49
    Dimensions of Ethical Direct-to-Consumer Neurotechnologies.Karola V. Kreitmair - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (4):152-166.
    Not too long ago, neurotechnology was the purview of the clinic and research. In 2011, researchers at Brown University succeeded for the first time in using an implanted sensor in the brain of a pa...
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  12.  60
    Working Knowledges Before and After circa 1800.John V. Pickstone - 2007 - Isis 98 (3):489-516.
    ABSTRACT Historians of science, inasmuch as they are concerned with knowledges and practices rather than institutions, have tended of late to focus on case studies of common processes such as experiment and publication. In so doing, they tend to treat science as a single category, with various local instantiations. Or, alternatively, they relate cases to their specific local contexts. In neither approach do the cases or their contexts build easily into broader histories, reconstructing changing knowledge practices across time and space. (...)
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  13. Cultural rules and material relations.Douglas V. Porpora - 1993 - Sociological Theory 11 (2):212-229.
    This paper attempts to synthesize the Winchian stress on constitutive rules with the Marxian stress on material relationships by developing the concept of emergently material social relations. Such relationships, it is argued, arise from the constitutive rules that constitute a group's way of life. Although such relationships thus are derivative from the conscious rule-following behavior of actors, nevertheless they have an objective existence independent of actors' specific awareness. It is argued that such material relations are an important mechanism beyond the (...)
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    Solipsistic sentience.Jordan C. V. Taylor - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (4):734-750.
    This article examines the nature of affective states across biological taxa. It argues that affect constitutes a primary form of consciousness. Creatures capable of affect are sentient of their bodily states and can behave in ways intended to maintain or restore them to a homeostatic range. After reviewing and critiquing neurobiological and philosophical theories of the evolution of consciousness, this article argues that some possible creatures are limited to self‐directed affective states, even if those creatures are capable of exteroception. Such (...)
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  15. Graveside and Other Asymmetrical Promises.Ingrid V. Albrecht - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (4):469-483.
    People who make graveside promises consider themselves bound by them, which raises the question of whether a promise can morally obligate a promisor directly to a promisee who cannot acknowledge the promise. I show that it can by using the theoretical framework provided by “transaction accounts” of promising. Paradigmatically, these accounts maintain that the creation of a promissory obligation requires that the promisee consent to the promise. I extend these accounts to capture promises made by proxy and self-promises, and conclude (...)
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  16.  62
    (1 other version)‘Wicked problems’, community engagement and the need for an implementation science for research ethics.James V. Lavery - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (3):163-164.
    In 1973, Rittel and Webber coined the term ‘wicked problems’, which they viewed as pervasive in the context of social and policy planning.1 Wicked problems have 10 defining characteristics: they are not amenable to definitive formulation; it is not obvious when they have been solved; solutions are not true or false, but good or bad; there is no immediate, or ultimate, test of a solution; every implemented solution is consequential, it leaves traces that cannot be undone; there are no criteria (...)
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  17.  49
    Are there methods of informal logic?Hans V. Hansen & Daniel H. Cohen - unknown
    This presentation seeks to understand informal logic as a set of methods for the logical evaluation of natural language arguments. Some of the methods identified are the fallacies method, deductivism, warrantism and argument schemes. A framework for comparing the adequacy of the methods is outlined consisting of the following categories: learner- and user-efficiency, subjective and objective reliability, and scope. Within this framework, it is also possible to compare informal and formal logic.
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  18.  35
    Perfect Subjects, Shields, and Retractions: Three Models of Impassibility.Zita V. Toth - 2021 - Vivarium 59 (1-2):79-101.
    According to theological consensus at least from the thirteenth century, at the End of Times our body will be resurrected and reunited with our soul. The resurrected body, although numerically identical to our present one, will be quite different: it will possess clarity, agility, subtility, and the inability to suffer. It is the last of these characteristics that will be of most concern in the present article. There are two reasons why impassibility presents a problem in the medieval framework. The (...)
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  19. Wittgenstein and Zen.John V. Canfield - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (194):383 - 408.
    Wittgenstein's later philosophy and the doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism integral to Zen coincide in a fundamental aspect: for Wittgenstein language has, one might say, a mystical base; and this base is exactly the Buddhist ideal of acting with a mind empty of thought. My aim is to establish and explore this phenomenon. The result should be both a deeper understanding of Wittgenstein and the removal of a philosophical objection to Zen that has troubled some people.
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  20.  30
    Особливості становлення кельтського варіанту християнства в ірландії в V – на початку VI ст.V. R. Buchovskyi - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:119-127.
    Throughout Christianity, its activities are in one way or another connected to the historical reality of its time. Usually, for different epochs, the strength of these bonds was different, but during the Middle Ages, they were significantly stronger than before and after. It is here that perhaps the most important moment was the rise of Christianity, which spread over a relatively short period of time almost throughout Europe. It was then - and never again in all its history - that (...)
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    Whately on Arguments Involving Authority.Hans V. Hansen - 2006 - Informal Logic 26 (3):319-340.
    Richard Whately’s views of arguments involving authority are very different in his Elements of Rhetoric and his Elements of Logic. This essay begins by documenting these differences and wondering why they are. It then proceeds to take a broader and more historical view of Whately’s discussions of authority and finds him occupying an important developmental ground between his predecessor Locke and contemporary views of the argument from authority. In fact, some of the things we now think are important in a (...)
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  22.  30
    Metaphilosophy: History and Perspectives.Vadim V. Vasilyev - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (2):6-18.
    In this paper I discuss a prehistory of the recent metaphilosophical research and provide an overview of its most important areas. I review the ways of understanding of philosophy by the authors of the Early Modernity and contemporary continental philosophers and outline a trajectory of metaphilosophical discussions in analytic philosophy of 20th century. I try to show that the recent surge of metaphilosophy research in it could be explained by a search for a new identity of analytic philosophy after wide (...)
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  23.  15
    Russian european B.V. Yakovenko.V. N. Belov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):133-144.
    The article analyzes the creativity of one of the most famous Russian neokantians Boris V. Yakovenko. Despite the fact that the work of Yakovenko becomes the subject of analysis of an increasing number of researchers both in Russia and abroad, it has not yet taken place in a systematic analysis. The article attempts to consider the philosophical creativity of the Russian philosopher systematically, revealing both the main directions of European thought that had the greatest influence on the position of Yakovenko (...)
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    The Theoretical Possibility of Extensive Infanticide in the Graeco-Roman World.William V. Harris - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (1):114-116.
    We have extremely strong reasons for supposing that the exposure of infants, very often resulting in death, was common in many different parts of the Roman Empire, and that it had considerable demographic, economic and psychological effects. The evidence for the first of these propositions has been reviewed or alluded to in several recent publications.1 However, a thorough new study, covering the whole of Greek and Roman antiquity, would be worth while. In the meantime Donald Engels has declared that in (...)
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  25. The measure of all gods: Religious paradigms of the antiquity as anthropological invariants.Alex V. Halapsis - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:158-171.
    Purpose of the article is the reconstruction of ancient Greek and ancient Roman models of religiosity as anthropological invariants that determine the patterns of thinking and being of subsequent eras. Theoretical basis. The author applied the statement of Protagoras that "Man is the measure of all things" to the reconstruction of the religious sphere of culture. I proceed from the fact that each historical community has a set of inherent ideas about the principles of reality, which found unique "universes of (...)
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  26.  20
    Global Visions and the Establishment of Theories of the Earth.Kerry V. Magruder - 2006 - Centaurus 48 (4):234-257.
    During the 17th century, important conventions for the visual representation of the Earth as a whole were established by writers of Theories of the Earth. This essay examines how the emergence of visual representations contributed to the establishment of a new print tradition of multicontextual discourse and critical debate. Four vignettes contrast varying uses of global depictions: the incidental global depictions and mathematical vision of Johannes Kepler; the cosmogonic sections and chemical vision of Robert Fludd; the geogonic sections and mechanical (...)
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    Team sport, match analysis, technical variables, football.Mohammad Hosseini & Samuel V. Bruton - 2020 - Accountability in Research 27 (8):496-520.
    Over the past several years, there has been a significant increase in the number of scientific articles with two or more authors claiming “Equal Co-First Authorship”. This study provides a critical background to ECFA designations, discusses likely causes of its increased use, and explores arguments for and against the practice. Subsequently, it presents the results of a qualitative study that sought the opinion of 19 authors listed among equal first authors of recent publications in leading scientific journals about ECFA designations. (...)
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  28.  14
    Hardy–Sobolev–Maz’ya inequalities for polyharmonic operators.Qiaohua Yang - 2021 - Annali di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata 200 (6):2561-2587.
    Let K be affine, that is, \\in {\mathbb {R}}^{n+m}: y_{1}=\cdots =y_{m}=0\}\). We compute the sharp constant of Hardy inequality related to the distance d for polyharmonic operator. Moreover, we show that there exists a constant \ such that for each \\), there holds $$\begin{aligned} \int _{{\mathbb {R}}^{n+m}}|\nabla ^{k} u|^{2}\mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y-c_{m,k}\int _{{\mathbb {R}}^{n+m}}\frac{u^{2}}{|y|^{2k}}\mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y\ge C\left ^{\frac{n+m-2k}{n+m}}, \end{aligned}$$where \, \}{n+m-2k}\), \p}{2}-n-m\) and \ is the sharp Hardy constant. These inequalities generalize the result of Maz’ya ) and Lu and the second author for polyharmonic operators). (...)
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    The Influence of Qing Dynasty Editorial Work on the Modern Interpretation of Mathematical Sources: The Case of Li Rui's Edition of Li Ye's Mathematical Treatises.Charlotte-V. Pollet - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (3):385-422.
    ArgumentRecent studies in Sinology have shown that Qing dynasty editors acted as philologists. This paper argues that the identification of their philological methods and editorial choices suggests that their choices were not totally neutral and may have significantly shaped the way modern historians interpreted specific works edited by mathematicians of that dynasty. A case study of the re-edition in 1798 of a Song dynasty treatise, theYigu yanduan(1259), by a Qing dynasty mathematician will illustrate this point. At the end of the (...)
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  30.  17
    Bureaucratically split personalities: (re)ordering the mentally disordered in the French state.Alex V. Barnard - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (5):753-784.
    The ability to (re)classify populations is a key component of state power, but not all new state classifications actually succeed in changing how people are categorized and governed. This article examines the French state’s partly unsuccessful project in 2005 to use a new classification—“psychic handicap”—to ensure that people with severe mental disorders received services and benefits from separate agencies based on a designation of being both “mentally ill” and “disabled.” Previous research has identified how new classifications can be impeded by (...)
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  31.  13
    Peculiarities of Kant’s Interpretation of the Term ‘Consequence’.Anastasia V. Petrovskaya - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):50-78.
    Modern formal logic, which is based on Kant’s logical project, interprets logical consequence as formal, which leads to substantive paradoxes that combine any thoughts at all and so to the loss of consequence as such. Beginning with A. Tarski, modern history of logic brings the problem of logical consequence into the realmof search for the relation of consequence, or grounding. In his doctoral dissertation on the nature of logical formality J. MacFarlane claims that the paradoxes of formal theories of logical (...)
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    The Development of the Quaestorship, 267–81 b.c.W. V. Harris - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):92-.
    In 267 the number of quaestors was increased from the established total of four . But how many were added, and what were their functions? The standard works agree that the new quaestors numbered four, and that they were stationed in four Italian towns, where they are usually supposed tohave performed administrative functions necessary to the Roman navy, and, in the case of the quaestor stationed at Ostia, functions necessary to Rome's grainsupply. These were the quaestores classici, or according to (...)
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    How to Improve the Convergent Argument Calculation.Alexander V. Tyaglo - 2002 - Informal Logic 22 (1).
    Quantitative apparatus for assessing strength of an argument was improved in the article. A probative generalisation and verification of the R.Yanal's algorithm to calculate convergent argument were proposed. The generalization obtained deals with both quantity (or number) and quality (or truth-values) of the argument's reasons.
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  34. Pathologies of Agency.Lubomira V. Radoilska - 2022 - In Luca Ferrero, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Agency. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter aims to distinguish between pathologies of agency in the strict sense and mere sources of impediments or distortion. Expanding on a recent notion of necessarily less-than-successful agency, it complements a mainstream approach to mental disorders and anomalous psychological conditions in the philosophy of mind and action. According this approach, the interest of such clinical case studies is heuristic, to differentiate between facets of agency that are functionally and conceptually separate even though they typically come together. Yet, in the (...)
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    Гендерний підхід та демократичні цінності у контексті формування ментальності сучасного покоління військовослужбовців.L. V. Krymets - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:71-80.
    Actuality. Modern Ukrainian society puts forward a set of professional and moral-ethical requirements for both individual servicemen and the system of military training in general. In this regard, there is a need for the preparation of qualitatively new management personnel for the military administration, headquarters, and structures for the moral and psychological support of all levels. That must be done in order to implement a significant range of socio-political and military reforms in order to democratize and optimize the Ukrainian army, (...)
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  36. Miracles and the Perfection of Being: The Theological Roots of Scientific Concepts.Alex V. Halapsis - 2016 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 9:70-77.
    Purpose of the article is to study the Western worldview as a framework of beliefs in probable supernatural encroachment into the objective reality. Methodology underpins the idea that every cultural-historical community envisions the reality principles according to the beliefs inherent to it which accounts for the formation of the unique “universes of meanings”. The space of history acquires the Non-Euclidean properties that determine the specific cultural attitudes as well as part and parcel mythology of the corresponding communities. Novelty consists in (...)
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  37. Eros, Beauty, and Phon-Aesthetic Judgements of Language Sound. We Like It Flat and Fast, but Not Melodious. Comparing Phonetic and Acoustic Features of 16 European Languages.Vita V. Kogan & Susanne M. Reiterer - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:578594.
    This article concerns sound aesthetic preferences for European foreign languages. We investigated the phonetic-acoustic dimension of the linguistic aesthetic pleasure to describe the “music” found in European languages. The Romance languages, French, Italian, and Spanish, take a lead when people talk about melodious language – the music-like effects in the language (a.k.a., phonetic chill). On the other end of the melodiousness spectrum are German and Arabic that are often considered sounding harsh and un-attractive. Despite the public interest, limited research has (...)
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  38. The phenomenon of negative emotions in the social existence of human.Tatyana Pavlova & V. V. Bobyl - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:94-93.
    Purpose. The research is aimed at determining the influence of negative ethical emotions on social life and the activity of the individual, which involves solving the following problems: a) to find out approaches to the typology of ethical emotions, b) to highlight individual negative ethical emotions and to determine their ability to influence human behaviour. Theoretical basis. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the recognition of the significant influence of negative emotions on human activity in society. In (...)
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    Human and Artificial Decision Making.Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):387-397.
    Machines can now match, or outperform, human performance in several reasoning and decision tasks. Some say that all that intelligence amounts to is smart computation. This is not a new thesis, dating back to Leibniz as well as Simon and Newell, but what is new is what smart means. Today it is identified with complex statistics and optimisation. Simon’s meaning, however, of smart rested on bounded rationality, a unified view of human and artificial decision making. This view was f l (...)
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    Wholeness Lost and Wholeness Regained: Forgotten Tales of Individuation from Ancient Tibet.Herbert V. Guenther - 1994 - SUNY Press.
    This book deals in narrative form with the theme of recovering lost wholeness—with the perennial question of beginnings and what role a human being must play in order to find meaning in his or her life.
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    Ukrainian Identity in Heterogeneous European Collective Action.O. S. Polishchuk & V. S. Dudchenko - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:34-43.
    _Purpose._ This article aims at outlining the consider Ukrainian identity in the context of European collective action through the prism of value orientations/approaches. _Theoretical basis._ The following methods were used in order to cover the problem as objectively as possible: historical, analytical, comparative, socio-geographical, behavioral, and dialectical. The use of these methods contributed to tracing the peculiarities of identity and collective action in the dynamics of the historical process and social development. _Originality._ The role of identity in collective action formation (...)
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    Philosophical and Anthropological Understanding of the Nature of Collective Violence.V. Y. Kravchenko & Y. V. Koldunov - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 24:46-56.
    _Purpose._ The purpose of this research is to analyse and systematize modern philosophical and anthropological ideas about the nature, essence, causes and sources of collective violence. _Theoretical basis._ Given the complexity and multifaceted nature of the phenomenon of violence, the authors used a range of philosophical and general scientific research methods. In particular, the comparative method helped to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of using philosophical and anthropological approaches to studying the nature and patterns of violence in the social (...)
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    Doing Justice to the Complex Legacy of John Howard Yoder: Restorative Justice Resources in Witness and Feminist Ethics.Karen V. Guth - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):119-139.
    John Howard Yoder's reclamation of Christ's law of love as normative for Christian ethics makes important contributions to the field, but this pacifist legacy is tainted by his sexual violence against women. Prominent "witness" and "feminist" ethicists either defend or condemn Yoder, reflecting retributive approaches to wrongdoing. Restorative justice models—with their emphasis on truth-telling, particularity, and communal responses to violence—illuminate common ground between these often antagonistic groups of ethicists, whose specific resources are needed to "do justice" to Yoder's legacy. Yoder (...)
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    Lysias III and Athenian beliefs about revenge.W. V. Harris - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):363-.
    It has recently been argued by Gabriel Herman that fourth-century Athenian citizens, or at least the majority of them, believed that even under the impact of serious private aggression a man should not pursue revenge. The general ideal, so it is maintained, was to avoid not only violent revenge but also revenge through prosecution. Herman recognizes that other Athenian texts of the same period take the propriety of exacting revenge for granted, and he explains this in part by reference to (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Wonder and Surprise.R. V. Feldman - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (34):209 - 213.
    Philosophers, accounted wise in their generation and even beyond their generation, have enthroned the unchanging and sung the praises of fatality and acquiescence. But there is a voice even more authoritative than that of the sages—the voice of the LifeShaper himself. Perched on the height of the human soul, he has set two watchmen, more sagacious and knowing than the Metaphysicians who weave words “About it and about” in the taverns beneath; their names are Wonder and Surprise. Wonder spies out (...)
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    The Creators Aspiring for the Future of Mankind: N.N. Moiseev and V.S. Stepin.V. E. Lepskiy - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):63-75.
    The article discusses the affinity of the ideas of two prominent Russian scholars N.N. Moiseev and V.S. Stepin. This affinity of their ideas is above all expressed in the global scale of their thinking, in their orientation toward the search for the ways of mankind development. Both thinkers sought a way out of the limitations and crisis of technological civilization through the promotion of basic values of harmony in the evolution of society and the biosphere. They made an enormous contribution (...)
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    Variants of Images of the Future in the Work of Lev P. Karsavin.Inga V. Zheltikova - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (6):462-472.
    This article examines the evolution of Lev P. Karsavin, the connection between the philosopher’s historical perspective and his ontological constructions, his postulation of the personhood principle of being’s organization, and the common mindsets of the philosophy of all-unity. The author of this article distinguishes between reflections on the future found in Karsavin’s pre-emigration work and the image of the future he creates within the framework of the Eurasianist paradigm. This article presents three variants of representation of the future: the universal, (...)
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    Material basis of ethical attitude towards desire in ancient eastern religious and philosophical systems.S. V. Alushkin - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:171-182.
    Purpose of this article is to study the phenomenon of desire in Ancient Chinese and ancient Indian society, to reveal a material basis for the appearance and formation of the specific ethical attitude towards desire in the philosophical reflection of ancient thinkers. To fulfil this purpose, we should study and analyse methodology of desire studies in philosophical and psychological literature, analyse the ethical attitude towards desire in religious and philosophical texts of Chinese and Indian thinkers, understand social and economic basis (...)
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    Torrance on Polanyi and Polanyi on God.John V. Apczynski - 1997 - Tradition and Discovery 24 (1):32-34.
    This review discusses Weightman's interpretation of Torrance's appropriation of Polanyi's theory of science; Weightman shows how Torrance develops a contemporary “natural”theology, moving beyond Barthian roots, but he argues Torrance misconstrues Polanyi's understanding of “religion” and God. I support Weightman's account, acknowledging much of his argument regarding the nature of religion, but I question whether his constructivist view of God can support the role it must play in Polanyi's thought.
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    Задоволеність персоналу роботою: Емпіричне дослідження.G. Batranak & V. Giliuvienė - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:173-189.
    Today job satisfaction is one of the most frequently investigated objects in organizational research and one of the most complicated areas that face today's executives who seek to avoid staff turnover and retain the best employees. High staff turnover as a consequence of job dissatisfaction may have a negative impact on company finances, as the recruitment, training, retraining of employess are not only costly but also time consuming. In addition, satisfied employees tend to be more productive, creative and more committed (...)
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